A Revolutionary Revelation in Sleep Technology

Everyone needs restful sleep. There’s no debating that it’s an integral part of Active Wellness. In fact, TED talks, white papers, sleep test centers, hypnotists, pharmaceutical companies, therapists and parents have all put in their two cents’ worth on how to achieve that often elusive state we all desire: blissful sleep.

Nikken has been a pioneer in sleep technology for decades. With the introduction of the Kenko Naturest® Fit, a mattress topper made to fit on twin, full, queen and king sized beds, Nikken took sleep technology to a higher level. Portable and life-transforming, according to many who bring their Kenko Naturest® Fit with them whenever they travel, the Fit is designed to promote complete relaxation to improve all-night sleep.

Now that people committed to getting a good night’s sleep have the Kenko Naturest® Fit to put their weary bodies on every night, Nikken has introduced a partner product to the Fit. It’s called the Kenko Naturest® Makura and it truly is a revolutionary revelation. Makura is Japanese for pillow, and this exclusive-to-Nikken pillow is not only revolutionary in sleep technology but it also has a lot to reveal.

Here’s how it works and there’s nothing to even compare it with. It’s got 3 layers that are each removable, so you can customize your Makura to your personal preference. No matter how you choose to configure your Makura, it’ll be properly contoured for your neck to provide ergonomic support and help you stay aligned with your spine.

• The first is the outer foam layer and it has Rubberthane natural latex nodules, magnets and tourmaline. If you choose to sleep on this side, you have a firm pillow that provides a massaging sensation.

• The second or middle layer is like a thin traditional pillow. Think of it as padding.

• The third layer is the other outer layer, but this one has smooth Rubberthane sans latex nodules, but still has magnets and tourmaline. If you choose this side, you have a softer cushioned pillow that cradles your head.

Those familiar with Nikken magnetic and tourmaline technology will already know that magnets provide a cocooning effect that helps improve sleep quality. Picture a newborn baby being wrapped tight into a bundle, resembling a cocoon. She feels safe and secure, just like in the womb. Magnetic technology helps grown people feel that way.

Tourmaline is an interesting gem that reacts to heat, pressure and motion. Nature gave it unusual properties—in fact the way tourmaline reacts is to make us feel like we’re actually in a soothing natural environment. Picture a serene lake, a beautiful forest, and the feeling of actually being there. That tranquil feeling naturally helps us sleep better.

Last but not least, natural latex Rubberthane helps regulate body temperatures. The side with nodules provides a self-massage. An interesting fact about the nodules is that they contain minute bits of volcanic ash extracted from the Shirasu volcano in Japan. Baked at more than 1000 degrees, they are believed to impart additional temperature regulating properties to the Rubberthane.

Whether you choose to sleep on one, two or three layers, you’re going to be a happy participant in the latest Nikken revolutionary revelation! It’s Item 13122 in the shopping cart and it’s part of the new Makura Sleep Packs.