Did You Know We’re Bioelectric and Need Grounding?

When we describe someone as “being grounded,” it means he or she is steadfast, centered and balanced. Grounded people are not “up in the air”; they are strong and focused, regardless of the chaos that may be around them. Their feet are planted on terra firma.

Being grounded is not just a metaphor. It’s a physical fact. Before civilization, homo sapiens actually lived on the ground: walking, sleeping and sitting all took place on the Earth itself with nothing in between—no furniture, no shoes. In other words, we were connected to the soil beneath our bare feet.

“Only recently has the knowledge and significance of this connection been explored and explained by scientific experts in geophysics, biophysics, electrical engineering, electrophysiology and medicine. From them, we are learning that the Earth’s electrical energy maintains the order of our own bodily frequencies. We all live and function electrically on an electrical planet. We are each of us a collection of dynamic electrical circuits in which trillions of cells constantly transmit and receive energy in the course of their programmed biochemical reactions. Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles and immune system are prime examples of electrical subsystems operating within your bioelectrical body. The fact is, all of your movements, behaviors and actions are energized by electricity.”1

Most people are totally unaware of their bioelectrical nature or the energetic connection between their bodies and the earth’s surface. Many of us don’t even realize that we’re disconnected from Mother Nature. Our feet and the rest of our bodies rarely touch real ground. We keep insulated with layers of clothing, rubber soles, mattresses, any assortment of chairs and accessories.

Science informs us that the Earth’s electrons contain a natural, negative charge. Maintaining contact with the ground allows our bodies to naturally receive and become charged with these electrons. When we are “grounded,” we absorb these beneficial electrons that “reduce electrical imbalances in the body.”2 Since our bodies are composed of mostly water and minerals—just like the Earth—we are mutually electrically conductive.

Nikken created the KenkoGround™ to help us maintain our connection to the ground even when indoors. Devised to be plugged into a grounded outlet, the conductive fabric, when placed against our bare skin, duplicates the effect of direct contact with the Earth, our source of natural energies. Try the KenkoGround™ and you’ll see how Nikken has combined the best of science and nature to help us live our best Active Wellness lifestyle.

The KenkoGround™ is now included in the Energy Pack.

1 Ober, Clinton etal, Earthing, Basic Health Publications, Columbus, OH, 2014, p.8.

2 Ibid, p. 9.